to post new material soon! We have been busy travelling and beach-going for the last month, and it has been great, except for the crushing amount of laundry now facing us at home! As soon as I get a few minutes of downtime I will share some of Sean's cuter vacation moments.
In the meantime, Sean has fully learned how to walk-- it is now his preferred mode of transportation, and couldn't be cuter. He has also mastered "ma-ma!" which makes me very happy. He has a few new words like "ay-ya" for his stuffed elephant "Oli," but still prefers to talk about babies. He has strung together two words for "baba jsjs" (baby-jesus), which he says constantly as he carries around a ceramic holy water font of the Holy Family. The other night he tried to cuddle with the Holy Family, but being ceramic and a holy water font, he realized it wan't too comfortable. He listens to directions really well and understands a lot of what Cody and I say to him. Its really amazing to watch him grow and understand things. I will visually update you soon!