Saturday, February 28, 2009


Now that Sean can wave he is waving at everything. This morning I found him waving Hi to his exersaucer. As Lisa pointed out, it is funny that he waves "hi" to things, where most babies start waving "bye-bye." Sure enough, when he wakes up, is brought into a new room, someone new enters the room, or Fr. R approaches him on his scooter, he always waves "hi" now.

One of the cuter things he has done in his 8 months is waving "hi" to his own shadow. At first I couldn't figure out what he was doing-- then I saw what he could already see clearly-- a shadow baby waving back! Here is a video I caught of Sean and his shadowfriend. . . its a bit long (one min.), I couldn't figure out how to edit it, sorry!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Hello to All My Fans

Sean learned a new skill this week and it is adorable. Here is a quick glimpse Valerie and I captured while i was home for lunch the other day:

Even cuter is that Sean will wave to the Baby in the Mirror in his room with utter delight! He gets so excited that the Baby in the Mirror is waving back that the two of them will wave at eachother for minutes, both with huge smiles and lots of giggles. Its the first thing Sean wants to do when he gets out of his crib-- he stretches his head to get a glimpse of the mirror. I am trying to get that one on video, but Baby in the Mirror is a little camera shy.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Reading with Dad pt. 2

A Godbrother for Sean

Last weekend (we are at least a week behind on this blog), Cody, SB and I travelled north to Philly to be godparents to our dear friends' John and Erika's new baby Juan Luis. John/Erika and Cody/I have been telling the boys for weeks that they are "godbrothers," and I truly hope they grow up thinking that about each other. JL is fantastic... he has a huge shock of black hair inches long (Sean was having some bald-man envy), and sweet little cheeks and a big old baby belly. Sean loved him right away and tried his hardest to pat JL and then to lick him. We would not allow either, but right after the baptism when I had my head turned for just a moment SB made a clean sweep through JL's hair and came out with a handful of chrism, which then went directly into his mouth and Sean smelled like a sacrament for a whole day.
John and Erika have been true friends in Christ for Cody and I over the last few years. Also a lawyer-couple, we share a lot of the same trials (get it?) in our everyday living, and they have been a great source of strength and fun for us. We have a dream of starting a catholic commune or lawfirm or one in the same with them one day-- law firm up front, homeschooling in the back. For now we are connected in prayer and the hope that the godbrothers will grow up knowing and loving eachother.

Friday, February 20, 2009


Even though it was a short work week, for one reason or another it has seemed interminable for this little family. Glad its Friday!
Thanks to aunt Neesie for this awesome T shirt... Go Bears!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Follow Me Fred

One of Sean's many Christmas gifts from Pop and B was a little dog named Follow Me Fred from The stated goal of Follow Me Fred is to encourage crawling. Well, the first time we tried Mr. Fred, the result may have been encouraging Sean to crawl, but in the wrong way.... he was terrified of the moving dog:

What a difference a few days makes...

Just a few days later, it appears Sean has made peace with Fred! When watching this video, keep in mind that Sean expresses affection for an item (toys, people, food, his hands) by trying to eat it:

Update: Fred is a staple in our living room now-- Sean is used to him and while he hasn't quite figured out how he works, he knows he can pick Fred up and lick him, and that's enough for Sean!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

My two loves...

Cody and Sean at home

Cody and Sean at Church.

Thanks to aunt Karyn for the adorable polo for Sean! Cody couldn't stand Sean having cooler clothes than him, so he had to buy one too :)

Dancing the night away

Cody, Sean and I went to a beautiful wedding this weekend here in Charleston ... auntie Meg was an honorary bridesmaid and she and Tim stayed with us all weekend which was such a nice treat. Grandma and Grandpa Groeber were here and spent the day Friday and Sunday with sean and saturday at the wedding we had the chance to catch up with a lot of Anderson friends. it was a great weekend. Instead of getting a babysitter Saturday we decided to take SBG with us to all the wedding festivities-- here are some highlights:

Sean and I both loved dancing with Dad! These pictures are compliments of the lead singer of the wedding band! who was singing at the same time as taking pictures, and who also happens to be Cody's best friend from high school :). Michael is definitely multi-talented, and the best wedding singer in S.C.

After all the dancing, Sean needed a little shut-eye, thumb sucking, and mama. he was such a good sport!