Saturday, May 29, 2010

Heard Around the House

Sean has been quite holy lately-- he recently started kneeling in mass with us, and now bows his head for prayers in addition to folding his hands.  He started learning the sign of the cross, but mostly just likes the "holy spirit" part.  The other day we were learning about money and he told me he was going to take his money (a nickel and a penny) to give it away at church.  Sure enough, the next day we were at the Pauline Bookstore and he put it in their mission fund on the counter.  So sweet.  This conversation takes the cake though:

Erin (after some act of baby piety referenced above): Sean, are you going to be a priest?
Sean: Pope.
Erin: You're going to be the Pope?
Sean: Uh huh.   

By the way, for those of you following our international travels-- we are supposed to be on a plane to costa rica at this moment, but due to severe weather in Atlanta, our flight out of charleston was delayed enough for us to miss the connection this morning, and we are right back at home now.  This, of course, was after getting the babies up at 4:30 a.m. to get to the airport by 5 for the truant 6:30 flight (which was all after a 3:00 a.m. feeding and crying spurt which had me up until 4:00, and our alarm went off at 4:10!!!!).  Hopefully at this time tomorrow we will be in Costa Rica though.  Cody and I have both been trying really hard to keep our humor and our spirits up today, and we noticed how much more managable travel snafus are when you aren't angry and negative.  Airline travel may be the most frustrating thing in the entire world, but when there isn't anything you can do to control the outcome, the best thing to do is roll with the punches and try to stay positive.  We're working on that right now.  St. Raphael, pray for us!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My dear Erin, how I know the feeling! After our last travel drama, we're looking ahead to our 12-hour drive with a toddler in tow, and we're facing the same choice -- either to start dreading the worst and wallowing in negativity, or to be proactive and prepare those nerves of steel while remaining positive and not losing sight of the big picture -- it's a vacation... REST AWAITS US! Besides, it's not everyday that we get to traverse the great smokey mountains! So it might turn out to be a great trip with lots to see and do :)

Hopefully, you guys have continued to brave all the inconveniences of the day as well as you have so far. And by now, you're sunning yourselves on a lovely Costa Rican beach and having a drink on us(preferably something with rum in it ;).

Love you guys, and warmest regards to your family, Cody,

E, J & L