We are in full swing getting ready for Brother to arrive in two short months! I have been seriously nesting ("Cody, you go ahead and go to the CofC basketball game, I think I'd rather stay here and organize our closets"). We were debating whether to move Sean into a Big Boy room before or after Brother's arrival, but at our last check up the pediatrician recommended doing it sooner than later due to Sean's off-the-charts height--he is worried Sean will be able to climb out of his crib soon, and thinks it would be safer to have him in a bed. So....
Last weekend GG and Grandpa Jamie were here, and Grandpa and Dad helped Sean convert the guest room to "the boys' room" (that sounds so sweet!). I wish we had "before" pictures, but...
Here is the (almost) finished product! Can you guess the theme? We have a few more things to hang on the walls (i.e., the penants on the left bed and an N.D. poster), but I think it looks pretty good so far.
Here is Sean having his first 'alone' time in his new room. I really only left for a few minutes to make him feel comfortable by himself. He loved it. Although, we tried to move his entire "room time" into his new room today (usually it is in his crib) and he freaked out a little. So, we have a little way to go.
So excited! Sean is still sleeping in his nursery until we get bedrails, but we anticipate making the permanent move pretty soon so he's comfortable when Brother comes. 
By the way, we have really noticed Sean's renewed interest in his old books now that he can actually see the pages. He has spent a lot of time with his old friend Brown Bear lately, and even pointed out that the Teacher at the end has glasses too :).
oh my gosh, this is killing me--especially the second-to-last picture. out of control! (why two beds?)
They are bunk beds, but we kept them down so he doesn't climb on them and for guest room purposes still.
Hi Erin, Cody And Sean,
I LOVED the room- it looks great and Sean looks very comfortable in it. Thats great about his rebnewed interest in his books ect. He is so cute and now we know Sean will be having a big brother- congrats!!!
Thinking of you all and xoxox,
Hi Erin!
I stumbled on this from your facebook page. It is so great to see you guys doing so well! I hope we get to see each other sometime soon!
Random question, where did you get that awesome ND rug from? I MUST have one for my house!
Maddy Moss is so jealous right now, what an awesome room!
Yay for another boy!
I love the room! My how Sean has grown! He is getting to be such a big boy! The kids and I are going to be at the condo the week after Easter for spring break. Maybe we can get together then We are all dying to see Sean!
Great Auntie Karyn
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