7. Teach High School. Hasn't happened yet, and not likely to. When people ask me if I intend to homeschool (a commone question in Catholic circles) my answer is often "I don't think my talents lie with teaching."
10. Meet the Pope. I would love to. Hasn't happened yet.
16. Create Good Photo Albums. Does a blog count?
39. Ride Horses. See previous entries about our trip to Costa Rica this year, where this was accomplished, on the beach :).
62. Own a pick up truck. Does "borrowing" one from your father in law for three years count?
Some of my biggest accomplishments in the last ten years I never would have thought to put on my list. If I had they would be things like "Learn how to breastfeed," and correspondingly, "Breastfeed two huge babies," or "simultaneously breastfeed and bill hours." And, "have a natural child birth," or "succesfully complete a VBAC." And, "teach a 2 year old to poop in a toilet." I wonder, will I be bragging about these accomplishments at our reunion in a few months?
So, I was having a grand time looking at my List, and imagining the things I have accomplished that weren't on there, when I ran into this little doozie:
35. Be in triathlon shape for 10th LHS reunion. What? Surely, I meant 20th reunion, right? When I read this, about 100 excuses popped into my mind--- I was a lot younger when I wrote that. I didn't know what it would be like to be ten years older--with jobs, children, laundry to do and bottles to clean. I didn't think I would have had two children in the two years prior to the 10th reunion. I didn't know I would be only a few months postpartum when it would be time to get in said triathlon shape. I didn't know one of my pregnancies would make me anaphylactically allergic to exercise. I was just wishfully thinking, there's no need to actually follow through with this goal, right? There are other things on The List that I don't care about anymore-- like #25. "Date a Professional Baseball Player" (what???!!), or #43 "See Garth Brooks Live"--sure it would be cool, but I don't really feel obligated to actually do it.
So why does completing entry #35 nag at me more than a Garth Brooks concert? Because I can do it, I just don't think I can?? But, why not? Because of the jobs, children, laundry to be done and bottles in the sink, my very practical and tired self says. But there's another little voice in me that says "why not?" Why not just do it? I know how to control the exercise allergy now, I'm far enough out from the births to be able to (vigorously) work out, and I'm not working full time anymore. Plus, that beautiful little jogging stroller Cody gave me for Mother's Day-- why not? Why not give the 18-year-old who wrote that the satisfaction of crossing it off the List? Why not?
So, with this newly resolved little voice in my head getting louder, I set off last night, after baby bedtimes, on a very nice 30 minute run-- probably the longest I've done in about 2 1/2 years due to the above mentioned pregnancies and consequences. I loved it. My legs loved it (and are still feeling it today-- a feeling I've missed!). I don't think an actual triathlon is practical as I don't have anywhere to practice swimming, but I did find a 10K the first week in November. That's a worthy substitution, I think. So, in the interest of reunions, nostalgia, a few leftover baby pounds, and keeping promises to oneself, I am making a resolution to run longer, eat better, and work harder to make this happen. Its really scary to actually type these words, and publish them, nonetheless, but I will run the James Island Connector run in November and be in shape for the LHS reunion at Thanksgiving, and I will cross #35 off the List. Who's with me?
Wow, that's funny that you mentioned your tenth in your life list. What inspired you to write the list?
My tenth reunion was really fun, by the way! Jared had two kids at the time, too. He predicted that no one else in our class would--and he was right. So brag away, I say!
Erin, you and I are on the same wavelength! Serrriooussly! My Dad just sold his house, and my sisters came across my "list" while packing up my room. They mailed it to me, and I will share some of what is on it soon.
Also, I just went running for the first time in ages a couple weeks ago--cheers to your 30 minutes...mine was 10 :). I have been told that signing up for a race in advance makes you feel committed and you are more likely to train. So, let's hold each other accountable to a 10K sometime this fall, ok??
So good to see you guys last weekend. Kiss those babies for me!
I wish I could make my high school reunion, but something tells me I will be overwhelmed in babyworld when it rolls around, also over thanksgiving!
Erin..very well written dissertation on your decennial experience....the decade has been eventful for sure and I am proud and happy for you, Denise, Cody, Sean P, Eva, Sean B, Jamesie, and your little brother Gabriel! BTW...I never thought I would reading and commenting on your blog from my android phone! Love you...pop
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