Saturday, December 18, 2010

Come, They Told Me...

Sean got this cute little Nativity set in "a mail" from my mom the other day, which includes a Little Drummer Boy, whom Sean has taken a liking to in the last few weeks (he sings the "pa-rum pa-rum pa-rum" song).  Sean has become quite attached to Mary and Jofef and Baby Jesus and Little Drummer Boy, and they have accompanied everywhere the last few days:

Eating Breakfast with the Holy Family and their visitor.

Setting them up on the "oppo-man"

Showing Mommy.

Watching George. (Little drummer boy looks strangely like Ben Stiller.)

Carefully left in front of the tree as an offering.

Perhaps if Mary had a Caterpillar truck instead of a donkey they would have gotten to Bethlehem in time to get a room at the inn. 

Not pictured are the Holy Family resting on Seannie's windowsill at night, where they sleep (this was a compromise as he wanted to "put them on the wall," but Cody and I were unwilling to nail them to the spot Sean wanted them), and their trip to Mr. Peter's office, where Baby Jesus was left in a coincidental foreshadowing of Mary and Joseph leaving him at the Temple!  Not to worry, Mr. Peter made a trip by our house on the way home from work to return Baby Jesus to his parents.  Sean was very concerned. 

And, just for good measure, because Jamesie is so very cute:


1 comment:

Denise said...

Sean has a halo in the couch picture!