Tuesday, December 21, 2010

December 2010 Snapshot

What Are We...Reading:
Cody- Lords of Discipline by local celebrity Pat Conroy. 
Erin- Just finished Persuasion by Jane Austen (sigh);  Taking Charge of your Fertility one of those books you can just read over and over again!  Especially after you have a baby :).
Sean- a new Animal book from GG and DaDa in honor of our trip to the Zoo this month; What is Christmas and The First Christmas.
James- War and Peace.

Cody and Erin: Avocado and Mango!  Lots of it!  We had two A & M salads in the last few weeks, both delicious.  Tonight grilled chicken, peppers and onions. 
Sean- Mango, plus the old staples of PB & J and yogurt and fruit (together).  Sean can now spot a Mango from 20 yards away at the grocery store and repeats "Seannie want his mango, Seanie want his mango" until I relent and put one in the basket.
James- Avocado (are you picking up on the theme in our kitchen lately?).  More interesting is what Jamesie is not eating which is breastmilk.  At 8.5 months he has completely rejected his mother and screams and arches his back whenever I try to breastfeed him.  Any one else experience this at that age?  At this rate we are heading full steam toward 100% formula. 

Talking about:
Cody and Erin: Christmas plans, breastfeeding (or lack thereof... Cody has been a saint listening to my "feelings" on the subject for quite a few days in a row now). 
Sean: Numbers--Sean counted to 9 yesterday by himself and not leaving out any of the numbers!  This morning before we went into his room we stood by the door listening to him count his fingers...adorable!  He usually skips 5 and likes to repeat "6,7,8,9" a lot.  Also geography: he points out Poland on his place-mat world map almost everyday and says "Fr. Jeremi is from there.  And his Daddy and his Mommy.  and his brother.  What Fr. Jeremi's brother name?  What Fr.Jeremi's Daddy's name? He took an airplane from Poland." 
Sean also does this pattern of speech lately where he asks a question he wants you to ask back to him.  Most of our conversation throughout the day follows this pattern.  For example:
Sean: What's Seannie eating?
Mom: What's Seannie eating?
Sean: Seannie eating oats.
James: I swear James did the sign for "more" on December 1st, but I haven't seen it again, so maybe it was a fluke.  Everytime I do it and try to encourage him he just giggles. 

Praying For: 
Cody and Erin: In thanksgiving for Bridget's baby John Kyran; as always, for many pregnant friends. Also praying for guidance about careers and family and for a peaceful Christmas, and the ability to offer up any stress to the Lord in order to really focus the Holy-day of Christmas.
Sean: In this order: Aub, Neece and Michael (still).  Now he also prays for Jake and Lexi (both dogs) and then says as quickly as he can "mommy, daddy, jamesie, daddy, we already prayed for daddy, mommy, we already prayed for mommy..."  Every meal he asks to say "Greta's prayer" which goes like this: (hands folded meticulously), "Dear Jesus, thank you for this food."
James: for a deeper understanding of the Trinity and the Incarnation during this Advent season.

Listening To:
Cody and Erin: The same, Willie, Van, U2 etc.
Sean: Still "Beautiful Boy" over and over and over and over again.  Sean can also now recognize Darius Rucker's voice on the radio and says "That's Da-i-us."  Also loves "The Glue Song," which is "stuck like glue" by Sugarland.  Oh oh oh stuck like glue, you and me baby, we're stuck like glue.  Often song through the aisles of the grocery store at Sean's request.
James:  A few latin hymns he picked up at Church over the last few weeks.

Thankful For:
Cody: "cute boys." 
Erin:  being able to see all our family at Christmas! And Cody.   And nice friends who have a very cute, tall  and preppy boy exactly one size bigger than Sean...very thankful for them cleaning out their closet and passing down some adorable clothes and shoes!  Especially since Sean's Christmas outfit is about 2 inches too short everywhere. 
Sean: On Cody's birthday I asked Sean to help me finish the sentence, "We are thankful for Daddy because..."  and the things he listed were: "He tells you (me) stories about Jesus," "takes you (me) to Costco," and "makes you (me) waffles and oats in the morning."  Sean has also been thankful for Daddy playing racing cars with him after dinner lately.  Only Daddy can do a "T-bone" with two cars.  Mommy doesn't even know what that is.
James:  Formula.  Blah. 

Milestones/Special Accomplishments
Cody--Turned 31 this month!  Yes, 31 is pretty anti-climatic.  Oh well.   
Sean: Counting to 9.  We also went to the Zoo this month with GG and DaDa which Sean loved.  He saw a "Po-graffe"  (giraffe), Tigers, Ostriches, Penguins, Flamingos, etc etc etc.  He loved it.   
James- Yet another tooth up top which made my sweet little boy a bit cranky for the last week or so.  we are very glad it finally poked through, but now awaiting its companion. 

1 comment:

vercfamily said...

Great to hear about your month! I can read Taking Charge of Your Fertility over and over again, too :). At this rate, you will have another baby before me...lil A still LOVES him some boobie all day and twice at night!