What are we....
Eating: Tonight, mozz and tomato pizza and salad. Jamesie's been eating a lot of yogurt, applesauce and oatmeal, given his swallowing hazards lately, and Sean holds strong to his PB/banana sandwiches, for about the last year or so.
Cody: Cormac McCarthy's border trilogy, although I honestly can't say which one he's on right now. Denise's hubby Michael is writing his dissertation on McCarthy, so Cody's diving in so he can add to the conversation at Christmas.
Erin: I just finished
North and South by Elizabeth Gaskins, and I give it an A+. I just got the 2004 BBC miniseries from the library and I am so excited to watch it. I was sad to finish the book--its similar to an Austen novel in time and romance, but a little more complex in the social and economic issues of the day. Since finishing that last week I am reading
Under the Banner of Heaven for fun (fascinating),
Parenting with Love and Logic for bookclub, and
Montessori from the Start for our educational reading. I really like these last two books so far as well, and we are making a lot of changes around the house for Jamesie that are more in line with the Montessori philosophy Sean is experiencing at pre-school. So far they have both responded really well.
Sean: Berenstain Bears anything. They are the "it" guys right now, and you will usually find him at home or out in public with BB book in hand. Like when he brought "Too Much Birthday" to lunch today.
Jamesie: the
Brown Brown Brown Bear What Do You See phase has hit J hard. He signs "book" after every nap and insists on sitting in his rocking chair for a turn of Brown Bear upon waking. He's also really enjoying
Baby Come to Church lately as well.
Talking About:
Cody and Erin: Mormons, Montessori, and the Detroit Tigers. Plus some Republican primary hooplah-- Are our choices really coming down to Rick Perry and Herman Cain?
Sean: Greta's visit, Mickey Mouse, books. Aubrey Anne has been staying with us the last few days and this morning as she was bringing him downstairs I hear him say "Aub, my voice is better than your voice in the morning." He also told us "Tim is a Mormon," and the other day he told me out of the blue, "sometimes DaDa comes here by himself, and sometimes he brings a girl." When asked later who the girl is that DaDa sometimes brings he said "G.G." He also likes starting sentences these days with "Don't you know...," so yesterday he said, "Mommy, don't you know that Aub sleeps in her clothes sometimes?" He's spilling all the family secrets.
Jamesie: "br-be" (Brown Bear), '"ba" (Banana), "baaa" (ball). He's also (finally) signing "Please" which is adorable, plus he's picked up the signs for a few other animals and requests. Previously his universal sign was "help," which in his version was putting both hands on top of his head. Unfortunately he used this sign mostly at meals when his hands were covered in food. We've been having baths much more frequently lately.
Praying For:
Cody and Erin: Guidance on our next moves in family, career and life. Also for some special babies in the belly (not my belly).
Sean: "Ms. Martha" at the exclusion of anyone else he usally prays for. (he finishes his prayers with "and that's all, and no one else."
Jamesie: He is now praying with his hands at dinner (more like clapping), and still sees and talks to Jesus all day long.
Grateful For:
Erin: A responsible, good looking husband who makes me coffee every morning and lets me sleep in until 7 every morning. Jamesie's recovery from choking, which included a normal swallow-test. My new soccer team in the Charleston rec-league--its really fun.
Cody: Cooler weather, two boys who can walk and breathe, family members who like to hang out with us and come visit us.
Sean: Vanilla Wafers and Cheeze-its at snack time at pre school (these are both usually a treat at our house, so when he is freely given them at school he thinks he's hit the jackpot).
Jamesie: One on one time with Mommy while Seannie is at school, and snuggle time with Seannie when he gets home.
Milestones and Accomplishments:
Cody: Shaving his beard and looking hot.
Erin: I scored in each of our last two soccer games, and I have been baking real bread with yeast and everything!
Sean: Going potty by himself (i.e., taking himself without our help in the bathroom); taking naps in underpants, sounding out more and more words in books. Also, thanks to his Montessori training at school, Sean is now setting his and Jamesie's places at the table himself, washing his dishes, using a cup (not a Bop), and in general is SO much more independent and willing to help do things himself! Sean also taught himself to whistle about 2 weeks ago.
Jamesie: WALKING! ALL THE TIME! Plus, he turned 1 1/2 yesterday, and had his Barium swallow-study yesterday which appeared normal at first glance. (The doctors said he was the best 18mo old they had ever had. smile.) Since deciding to walk he has exploded in ability and understanding it seems. He follows directions amazingly, and has started imitating Sean setting the table and climbing up on his stool at the kitchen sink. The Montessori book is making me realize how much more he is capable of than we thought. I am slowing incorporating new "work" and activities for him so he can challenge himself in tasks rather than mindlessly play with toys that don't challenge him at all. So far he loves pushing poker chips through a small slit in a shoe box and then dumping them out again, he loves carrying things to and from across the family room, and climbing in and out of the armchairs. He LOVES getting out sean's cups and plates and bowls and stacking them and going up and down the stairs.
Cody: The next step in life.
Erin: I think the
Love and Logic principles seem really great, but I'm a little overwhelmed at all the things I'm not supposed to or supposed to say to Sean to keep his fragile self-esteem in tact, so not to produce a teenager scouring the streets for drugs after disrespecting his teachers and failiing out school--drunk. I'm just a little overwhelmed. I'm sure I'll "get" the system soon, but even now I can hear myself telling him things all day long I know I'm not supposed to. Also, I really really want to go to Ireland for the Notre Dame/Navy game next september, or to teach college there for a year, and I'm trying to figure out how to do either of those things. Its not looking hopeful.
Sean: For all his newly-gained independence, he can't stand the thought of having to get undressed by himself at the end of the day and will usually resort to crying before trying to take his own shirt off.
Jamesie: Instructions at meals. His favorite thing to do is to wear his empty bowl or plate as a hat. He gets really mad when we instruct him not to.
Getting ready for their first day of college.
Post-nap brother snuggling time.