Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Mundane Trauma

It seems like everytime I get on a roll posting on a semi-regular basis life catches up with me and throws me off pace.  Yes, we had the trauma with Jamesie's choking 2 weeks ago, and I sincerely thank everyone who has thought about us and/or dropped me a note or a nice word about the incident.  His choking incident(s) have resulted in a battery of doctor's appointments since the first E.R. trip, including a barium-swallow-study to be performed in the next few days. But, aside from that trauma, our life has been pretty mundane the last two weeks, and its just been the normalcy of pre-school--dishes--laundry--dinner--bedtimes--work that has caught up with me.  A few quick takes of the more interesting moments in the last couple of weeks will have to suffice:

-I am reading Jon Krackaur's Under the Banner of Heaven, which is about Mormon fundamentalists.  It is a fascinating book.  I guess Cody and I are talking about it a lot, because last night at dinner Sean told us "Tim is a Mormon."  Tim who?  "Meg's Tim."  (not true).

-Jamesie is now preferring to walk (WOW!).  Just before his 18 month birthday (this Thursday, he'll celebrate it with a taste of Barium) he has actually decided to get around via foot instead of knees and hands.  Its so cute it is unbelievable.  He rarely sits down when awake now, which has led to some super-long naps in the morning and afternoon.  Sweet boy.

-Sean has been really into calling people on the phone "to say hey."  My dad seems to be the lucky winner right now and gets a few of these calls per week.  If you haven't received one yet, just wait, I'm sure you will soon.

- I am playing in a rec soccer league and it is really fun.  Most of the women have played at a high-ish level before, but clearly don't have the same skills (or fitness) they did in their glory days.  I fit right in.  Last Thursday I did two flip throws, after about a 5 year hiatus from that skill.  I am happy to report both were on target, but it was one of the more foolish, and unnecessary, things I've ever done. 

-Sean's BFF Greta visted from Minnesota this week.  I'll get some pictures up soon, but most of the cuteness was too awesome to capture on camera.  Several times while playing he would hug her and put his head on her and close his eyes as if he were just soaking up her Greta-ness.  Unfortunately, when they left yesterday Sean pinched his finger in his ga-noculars at the same time, so their parting adieau was less than memorable, and included lots of crying and finger-holding. 

-Jamesie has been on a roll with his sign language and is even using a (select) few real words.  He signs book, all done, airplane, food (sometimes), milk, help, please, bath, and a few animals (bear, dog, cat).  He says Mama (yea!), and answers "Yeah," to just about everything.  He tries to say "Brown Bear" ("ba-ba").  He understands almost everything we say now and can respond to directions really well. 

All for now, I promise to get out of the mundane-funk and get some good material up soon. 


Carrie Mofo said...

I read Under the Banner of Heaven and it was awesome. I love Krakauer books----you need to read the Pat Tillman story----good stuff.

Landon & Carrie said...

I also read Under the Banner of Heaven - it's been a while. But recently I read Inside Scientology (similarly fascinating) and have downloaded a book on the Amish that I haven't gotten around to reading yet, and I did a whole series of books this summer on Islam, especially in Saudi Arabia. I'm fascinated.