Wednesday, October 19, 2011

How Was Your Day?

Sean spends a lot of time listening to us, even when we don't know it.  Recently, he's starting asking at dinner, "Cody, how was your day?"  Cody will answer, then Sean will say something like, "ask me how my day was," or he'll just wait for the return question.  He usually says "good," but here are some of the other answers we've heard over the last few weeks: 

Cody: "Sean, how was your day?"
Sean: "Crazy."

Cody: "Sean, how was your day?"
Sean: "Long."

Cody: "Sean, how was your day?"
Sean: "Busy." 

I can't help but laugh when I hear this.  Its been a long, crazy, busy day of naps, puzzles, books, mickey mouse and watching mom vacuum.  Oh, we did go to the grocery store, so maybe that's what put the day over the edge. 

Sean has also been asking a lot about babies in the belly recently.  Today he said,

"Mommy, are you and Daddy going to have another baby?"
"Hopefully we will one day, but not now."
"Why not?"
"Well, we have to wait for God to put another baby in my belly."
"But, when will you and Daddy get married again for that to happen?"

I guess he's gotten the message that you get married then have a baby.  I just failed to explain that doesn't happen every time.  At least he's got the order down. 

These pictures have nothing to do with this post, but I thought they were funny.  Above, Jamesie trying to read a book on Sean's bed.

Maybe it will go better if I wear Sean's glasses.

Forget it, I'll just snuggle with Sean in his bed! (This scene happens most morning and after naps in the afternoon.  Next, Jamesie will get off the bed, toddle into his room, get Frogger out of his crib, toddle back into Sean's room, climb back on the bed and lay down and suck his thumb with Frogger while Sean sucks his thumb with Oli.)


Denise said...

I can't believe how snuggly they are--I think they must have learned it from you! Thanks for the daily dose of cuteness!

Meg and Tim said...

I love hearing all the things Sean says! =) We can not wait to see you guys, talk to Sean about school, and watch James walk. Love y'all and see you this wknd!