Monday, January 28, 2013

Happy Zero and a Half, Sis!

Sis turned 6 months old last week, or as Sean said, she turned zero and a half.  At zero and a half, Annalisa is such a light in our lives! She is an amazingly good baby (I once described her to the doctor as "freakishly good," and upon poking and prodding her without so much as a whine, he agreed, "wow, she really is freakishly good.").  In the parlance of the Baby Whisperer, Sis is an "Angel Baby." (For reference, Sean was textbook and Jamesie was "sensitive.").  We often forget she's in the room.  And, while we're hittig a little roadblock with her nighttime sleeping right now after holiday travel and winter flu season, on the whole, she has been a great sleeper and eater, sleeping through the night for the first time at 4 weeks!

Now at 6 months, Annalisa is all smiles and laughs during the day.  Just in the last week or two she has started rolling ALL over, grabbing at everything, putting everything in her mouth and squirming her way all over an entire room.  I think she's definitely the most mobile of our babies. 

Our boys love her so much.  Jamesie has started calling her "tay-tee" for Sissy and yelling "Tay-tee, yeeeeaaaaa!" when she rolls over or grabs a toy.  He wants her to eat real food desperately and says "Tay-tee, eat! more!" whenever I bring her downstairs.  Sean is constantly kissing her face and her head and making her laugh.  They love offering her toys and watching her develop interest in them. 

Here are some shots of our beautiful girl from the last few weeks:

Oh, and by the way, for Sis's 6-month birthday, she got a nasty virus from her brothers which resulted in an ear infection and thus her first taste of antibiotics.  She has come through it like a trooper. 
And her six-month stats are sort of hilarious:
Height: 28 inches: 99th %
Weight: 14 lbs 5 oz: 19th %. 
(she gained 4 ounces in the last 3 months.  eek!)


Peggy said...

out of control cuteness; what a sweetheart!

Denise said...

She is so sweet! I love her smile, and I think she looks like Janie!