Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Growth Spurt!

At our last check up the doctor warned me that SB might be growing through a growth spurt soon. Last night Cody and I both noticed that he looked bigger and he is eating more. This morning Sean officially grew out of his first newborn outfit! I couldn't button up the rest of these jammies! and the arms are too short! (Jammies compliments of Iris Weber, John and Nicole's second daughter who passed on some of her outfits to SB). Yesterday he actually kicked the bottom part of his Moses Basket, i would say he only has another couple of weeks in it.

As you can see in this picture, Sean is also developing a cute little double chin. AND, his legs finally fill up the leg openings on his plastic diaper pants! he's definitely getting squishier, if not chubby.


meta said...

wow--he's a pretty good blend of you guys! I hope we get to meet him soon!

Denise said...

of course, he's too LONG for everything!