Sunday, January 25, 2009

New T.V.

Our Christmas present to each other this year was a new T.V. to replace the old static box we've been wheeling around with us. We were going to get the digital-converter box in February, but at the last minute (thanks to a Christmas bonus), we went for the real-deal-HD-flatscreen-awesome-box (from Costco). Grandpa Jamie was here last weekend checking it out with Cody and Sean:

OK, so you can't actually see the new T.V. in this picture, but i bet you can guess where it is.

By the way, we have been watching the HBO mini series John Adams (on DVD from Costco) on our new TV and it is great. I can't wait to watch it again with Sean when he is interested in history. We watch a little bit a few nights a week, and I find myself thinking about it all day at work. We just watched the part when John and Abigail move into the new White House. What a contrast to the inauguration we watched last week.


Denise said...

I like how Sean is obviously watching it, and I like how cute he looks!

It is interesting how Adams' life was anything but easy, on any level. He might have gotten some luxury in France, but didn't seem quite comfortable with it :).

aubreyanne said...

i am glad yall finally got your new tv! It really did look great! I miss you all! I showed my host family the photos of the fam and sean! I did a little bragging to! Miss you!

South Paw said...

Oh we loved watching the John Adams series! Your post makes me want to own them so we can watch it all of the time. It is so sad how many Presidents' children really suffer b/c of their parents' absence. I enjoyed all of the recent cute pictures of Sean.

Matt and Bijal said...

We often notice similar expressions and gestures in pics among Galloway family members (senior and junior). In this pic, grandpa Groeber and SBG have the same facial expression - open mouth and all.