Tuesday, May 22, 2012

We Love Ruby!

Sean's introduction to week-old Ruby.  He was a little shy at first...
But then warmed right up....in this picture he's giving her his soft-touch with the back of his hand over her cheek.  It was adorable.
And now he's kissing her straight on the mouth.  I wouldn't be worried except he listed Ruby as one of his girlfriends the other day, and then asked me why he couldn't marry his cousin. 
Ruby's cousins Sean (3.5) and Kate (5), playing the role of proud parents very well.  Kate's not really your cousin, Sean. 
Sean contemplating Ruby.
And another kiss on the lips.
And another soft touch.
Here we are a few weeks later and Ruby can hold her own a little more. Sean is just as enamored.
And this time Jamesie gets into it! 
Precious.  This was followed by Sean asking "Mommy, will you get me her paci?  She needs it."  And then when I held her a minute later, "Mommy, you need to sit her up, she might spit up."  Thanks, Sean.
And now Jamesie is really into it.  He has become a baby-hunter in his own right.
Got her!
This is by far my favorite picture.  Jamesie walked around all weekend either kissing Ruby or if she was sleeping or nursing, walking around looking for her, doing the baby sign.  Once he figured out where she went under the nursing tent every three hours, he felt free to go find her himself. 


Denise said...

They could not be sweeter! Can't wait for them to meet Jane!

Meg and Tim said...

Ruby is so lucky to have Sean and James as her cousins! So glad they love on her so well. Can't wait to meet her newest little cousin soon! =)

Peggy said...

With two such loving big brothers, little sis is going to be very well loved. You'll have to keep an eye on them when they get older.

Landon & Carrie said...

Both of your boys are so great with babies. What sweet little fellas they are :)