Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Mommy say...

When you have a 2 year old who retains and repeats almost everything you say, you start to realize how often you say certain things you never would have noticed before.  Not only does Sean repeat everything we say, but he reminds us to say certain things when the situation calls for it-- phrases (I guess) we say so often he has internalized them and expects us to say them.  I never would have noticed I say certain phrases or things so often, but Sean has started to direct us about what to say lately.  All of the following examples are things he has actually said to us in the last week or two:

- When Cody and I were in Beaufort and Jamie and Lisa stayed with the boys Sean went poop on the potty and had to call us to tell us the big news.  I said "That's great Seannie!" to which he said, "Mommy say, 'I'm so proud of you.'"

- Last night Cody and Sean were getting ready to play tackle before bed:
Sean: "Mommy, I'm going to play tackle with Daddy"
Erin: "Wow, that's great."
Sean: "Mommy say 'that sounds like fun.'"

-Jamesie is a notorious breath-holder when he cries, to the point that at least 1-2 times a day he turns blue/purple in the face from not breathing, and occassionally sort of collapses in his high chair when he finally does take a breath.  We often have to blow in his face to get him to gasp air.  The other day this happened and I said "Oh no, Jamesie."  Sean said, "Mommy say 'Come on, Jamesie, breathe.'"  (scary that I have a child to whom I have to say this so often that the two year old now knows what to say!)

-I love giving the kids fun nicknames--I think it makes them feel special and gives the parents and special little bond with them.  I have been calling Jamesie something historically silly for the last few weeks, but mostly just under my breath, not thinking anyone else had heard it.  Then, as I was feeding him the other day Sean says, "Mommy say, "Jamesie Madison!'"

-Cody and Sean were goofing around the other night saying silly phrases when I came down from putting James to bed.  I heard: "Daddy say, 'What Seannie talkin' about Willis?'" That one made me chuckle!

-The other night Sean was being *difficult* at bed time-- doing headstands on his bed instead of helping me get his diaper and jammies on.  I said, "Sean, time to cooperate."  nothing.  "Sean, you need to be a good boy and help me."  nothing.  "Come one sean, time to get ready for bed."  nothing.  Then, "Mommy say, 'Come on, young boy.'" I think he meant "young man," but either way, I guess I just wasn't saying the magic words!  Anyway, at that point I laughed so hard I think my "mom voice" lost any tone of authority it might have had!

Sean with Meg this weekend on Aubrey Anne's sailboat and home for the next 6 months!


vercfamily said...

That is too cute! He must keep you entertained every moment of the day! :)

Cole said...

So funny! and also so familiar. Liam has taken to declaring "mommy says it" or "Daddy says it" when he hears things he attributes to us.
He has a little maurice sendak video about "pierre" who says "I dont care" and lately he says "i dont care,.. pierre says it"

Denise said...

this is what I am teaching my college students--how to attribute information!

it's so cute to see how influenced he is by you, and how much you talk together.