Thursday, March 10, 2011

Sweet Post-nap Baby James

Thanks to a generous Christmas gift from Cody's parents, Cody and I enjoyed our first weekend away for, oh, about 2.5 years, last weekend.  It was great.  We went to Beaufort SC, because its only an hour away and that's as far as I was willing to be away from the babies. My boss was taking bets on how long I would make it (he bet I would be back saturday morning), but I am proud to say that I made it all the way until Sunday afternoon!  It was GREAT to spend time with Cody without being on a naptime/bedtime/wake-up at 6:30 a.m. schedule.  We talked and sat and ate and played tennis and explored the beach and went to mass in peace and I busted my shin open on a dead tree trunk embedded with oyster shells.  It was fantastic. 

The fantastic time I had with my hubby is not to say I didn't miss a certain two little angels at home--dearly!  I kept saying, "when we get home i'm going to whuffle Jamesie and smell his neck and kiss his cheeks all over.  I'm going to wake him up from his nap all warm and soft and smelly and I'm going to love it!"  Jamesie has the best neck/cheek/mouth area to whuffle, especially right after a nap.  Even though you can't smell him through the computer, enjoy some cute post-nappers:

Plus one of Cody holding Jamesie while he (J) eats his shoe.

1 comment:

Angelica Fahy said...

The Fahys are big fans of post-nap baby smell, too :) John William is also getting bedhead now that he's got some more hair... too cute!

James has lots of teeth! How many does he have now?? John's stalled at 6 (4 top, 2 bottom). We haven't had a new one since Christmas time.