Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Superhero Status

Little boys love their Mamas, which I get to re-discover in new ways everyday.  Sean loves picking pink flowers and finding red leaves for me outside and presenting them to me to keep with me all day (often asking hours later, "where's mommy's flower?!").  Jamesie does a fantastic nose-dive into my arms, and if I walk into a room and walk past him without giving him due attention, the tears start to flow.  To think, I was actually scared of having boys at one point-- I had know idea they would be this s-w-e-e-t!

However, no matter how much they love their mama, a certain Daddy around here has been elevated to Superhero-Status lately.  I love the sweet affection they give me, but I also really love watching Sean look up to Cody and starting to experience little boy Daddy-awe.  Here are a few examples:

-The other day at lunch we were listening to some country music radio and the old song "Daddy's Hands" came on.  The lyrics are something like, "Daddy's hands were soft and kind when I was crying... hard as steel when I'd done something wrong...etc etc."  (I don't think its Dolly Parton, but the voice has a Dolly-feel to  it)Unprompted Sean said, "Seannie's Daddy's hands are huge." 

-Cody plays basketball in the Charleston County Bar Association Basketball League.  All lawyers, mostly 30-40 somethings, half-court games.  The guys get pretty competitive, but we're not talking March-Madness skill level.  I have taken the boys to two of his games, and Sean loves it.  Last week we were getting ready to go watch a game and sean asked, "Daddy's basketball game going to be on T.V.?"  Unfortunately, coverage of the Final Four took precedent over the law-league in Charleston, SC.

-Last night we were saying bedtime prayers and Cody was going through Sean's personal saint litanny.  Cody will list the saint and sean will respond "pray for us."  He's been doing it forever, so he knows the routine and knows which saints to listen for.  Last night:

Cody: Saint Brendan
Sean: pray for us.
Cody: Saint Martin
Sean: pray for us.
Cody: Saint James
Sean: pray for us ..... Saint Daddy? 
(maybe one day).


Landon & Carrie said...

Now that makes me want a boy! I dreamed last night that we had a new baby, a boy, and that I was stressed because I did not feel I had enough time for Cora. When a colleague asked me today if we were ready for number 2, I told him about the dream and said, "It can mean one of two things: either we are not ready for number 2, or we are pregnant!" Ha! Looking forward to seeing you Friday...
Thanks for continuing to give me something baby-oriented to read during my Cora breaks at work!

Denise said...

That is so sweet! I'll never get enough of the things Sean says to his mommy and daddy.