Monday, January 30, 2012

Enquiring Minds Want to Know...

If you've been around Sean lately, you know the only time he stops chit-chatting is when he's asleep.  Its constant.  And there are constant questions.  A lot of them don't make any sense at all, or just plain can't be answered ("what is a christmas tree called?" "why is your hair rubberband pink?").  However, in the last week or so we have fielded quite a number of very sensible, and very deep, questions which just remind us what novices we are at parenting.  Here is a list (with explanations following) of actual questions we have been asked in the last week:

1. What is abortion?
2. What is kidnapping?
3. Why did Jesus die on a cross?
4. But how did God put the baby in your belly?

1. Last week was the anniversary of Roe v. Wade, and the homily at church was about the horrors of abortion.  Of course, when we got home we got this lovely question.  Sadly, Cody had to explain it to him, and there's no way around the reality of it and the loss of innocence that goes with the knowledge of what it is.  Sean responded as I've heard is pretty normal by saying "but I don't want mommy's baby to die."  Luckily, he moved on pretty quickly.
2. This questions followed him asking me "why don't we talk to strangers?"  Usually, the conversation is left there, but this time I had to explain what kidnapping is, why it is bad, and why people might do it!  Scary!  If you dont know, this is my biggest fear, so explaining it to my 3.5 year old almost brought me to tears.
3. We went to a new church last weekend because we couldn't make the 8 am mass at our regular parish (after Jamesie decided to wake up--for the day---at 4:15 a.m.).  We sat near the front and I noticed Sean staring at something--I thought it was the girl behind us (naturally), but then noticed he was intently studying the stations of the cross on the wall, and we were right by the crucifixion.  He shouted this question twice, so loud the lady next to us was giggling.  I told him to ask Daddy after mass.
4. My favorite, while we had guests over for dinner.  Everyone was laughing, and not giving him an answer, which only made him ask even more --- over and over again!  Finally, he was getting so frustrated that I had to tell him off to the side, "that's a very good question, its just that the answer is somewhat complicated and confusing.  But, Mommy and Daddy worked together with God to put the baby in my belly." This seemed to satisfy-- for now.  ugh! Any other suggestions for a curious little one?

Our little philosopher-scholar, full of questions and ready for school.  He actually did wear this outfit to school--twice since Christmas.  I think he's trying to grow up too fast.  The book in his hand is "I'm a Big Brother," sadly, it doesn't explain how one becomes a big brother.

1 comment:

Denise said...

The young scholar! He is going to be so smart just from asking so many questions.