Thursday, January 19, 2012

God's Gift to Women, and Baseball

Sean has a staggering amount of confidence these days.  Here are two actual conversations we've had this week:

First--before nap the other day:
Erin: Sean, you are so special.  Do you know how special you are?  You are so special that God made you just for me and Daddy.  God said, "What kind of boy does Erin and Cody need?  Oh, I know, I'll give them Seannie."  God made you specially just for us.
Sean: And God made me specially for Greta, and Royce (school girlfriend), and Maggie (summer girlfriend), and Gaia (cousin). 

Second-- riding in the car to school:
(Sean has been really interested in all my old trophies and ribbons and medals lately since there's a big box of them sitting in the garage.  He occasionally picks one out to bring inside--most recently he's been attached to the Romeo Peachfest U-14 Girls Soccer Champions trophy).

Sean: Mommy, why do you have sooooo many soccer trophies?
Erin: Well, i've been on a lot of soccer teams that won a lot of soccer games, and sometimes you get a trophy for it. Would you like to be on a soccer team one day?
Sean: No, soccer is just for ladies and girls to play.
Erin:  No its not, boys and men play soccer too, and I bet you would be a really good soccer player.
Sean: Well, I'm a really good baseball player, so I'm just going to play baseball for the Cardinal Birds (i.e., the St. Louis Cardinals, World Champions).

1 comment:

Denise said...

I just keep laughing about the "no, soccer is just for ladies and girls to play" comment. So matter of fact, so precise.