Thursday, July 5, 2012

38 weeks--just for reference

I am 38 weeks this week! I'm having lots and lots of contractions-- some nights every 5-6 minutes, but invariably they go away when we go to bed.  I went through a lot of this "pre-labor" with James as well, so I'm not really getting my hopes up when it happens, I just figure it will go away. It almost always happens if I am out in the heat or did too much in a particular day, so its pretty predictable and always goes away after several hours. I guess one of these days it won't go away, but at this point I might not actually believe I'm in real labor until I'm halfway done.  Let's hope so! In the meantime Cody has a ton of work he wants to get through before the baby comes, so even though I am COMPLETELY ready, I am trying to be respectful of his workload and holding off on the raspberry-leaf tea, reflexology and other homeopathic labor-inducers until at least the end of next week. 

And just for reference, here is a picture of me at 38 weeks with Sissy, and one at the same time with Sean, 4 years ago!  Sean's due date was changed and changed, so I will say I'm between 35-38 weeks with him in the bottom picture. 

July 5, 2012- 38 weeks with Sissy

June 19, 2008- 36-ish weeks with Seannie

1 comment:

Denise said...

Awww! We can't wait to meet our little niece and Janie's little cousin!