Thursday, July 12, 2012

We Wait and Hope

I'm still officially 5 days from my due date, but hopeful Baby Girl will make her appearance any time now.  This afternoon I visited the chiropractor who did some technique that is supposed to relax my pelvic structure to allow Baby to come, and then went for my 39 week appointment, where [squeamish readers, skip to next paragraph] she stripped my membranes and told me I was 3-4 cm dilated.  Whaaaat!  I've had my raspberry-leaf tea today and felt some good but irregular contractions.  So, we wait and hope.

Accompanying these events today were some ridiculous comments I got as I ventured into public with my huge belly:

1. 3:00 p.m.:  Chiropractor's secretary: "Oh my gosh Erin!  You could not get any bigger!"  Yes, that's exactly how I feel about the situation too. 

2. 4:00 p.m.: Lady getting on the elevator as I'm getting off at the doctor: "Twins?"
Me: [gaping look of shock] What?
Lady: There twins in there? 
Me: [sad, dejected, large]: No.  Just one. 

3. 5:30 p.m. Grocery store check out lady: "Girl, when you due?"
Me: Tuesday. 
Lady: You ain't got till Tuesday (I can't remember if this is the same Lady who told me I ain't got 4 more weeks about 3 weeks ago). You in pain? 
Me: Yes. 
Lady: Girl, you don't need to be doing the grocery shopping. 
Me: I just wanted to get in one last trip and get the things I know we need.  I had a sitter for my doctor's appointment just now and wanted to go to the store without the kids. 
Lady: You had a doctor's appointment?  You dilated at all?
Me: Yes, 3-4 centimeters. 
Lady: Oh LAWD!   You gonna have that baby tonight!  Oh girl!  You making me nervous standing there!  I saw you walk in here today and I thought, she can't even walk, she's gonna have that baby!  
At which point she engages the other check out lady and the elderly woman behind me in line (all while I am trying to hand over my coupons and sign the bill), and all three tell me about their 3rd babies and how quickly their labors went, and how the doctor almost dropped one of the babies on the floor.  Lovely visual to leave with.

But alas, I sit here at 10:00 p.m., and I have not had the baby yet, nor am I in labor.  Although, I guess you could count the last 4 weeks as labor, getting me nearly halfway through the entire process already! In the meantime we wait, and all my preparations and progress today has at least given me hope that it could be any day now.  Right? 


vercfamily said...

My bet is that today is the day :) Can't wait to see some pics :)

Landon & Carrie said...

The anticipation is killing me!

those crazy cothrans said...

I got all of the same exact comments all three of my pregnancies. Only I "look" like I am having twins by 6 months!
I think you look fantastic! Isn't it funny when you are pregnant that anyone has the right to touch your belly and people have the right to say whatever they want about your appearance!