Thursday, February 7, 2013

From My Front Porch Looking In...

The other night Cody got home a few minutes early--just enough time for me to squeeze in a quick run before dinner.  I came home right around dusk to a charmingly lit up home with my husband cooking a warm dinner on the stove and two boys playing with each other in the family room.  There's a great country song that came into my head that goes something like "the view I love the most is my front porch looking in...."  I ran in to grab the camera to preserve the beautiful home I am blessed to come home to after a quick run. 

And, if you look closely into the window to our kitchen, you'll see the manliest of men holding a baby on his hip while stirring the spaghetti sauce on the stove. Am I the luckiest or what?


Unknown said...

how sweet...thanks for sharing.

Peggy said...

It's so great that you are taking the time to "smell the flowers" and appreciate these moments, and not take them for granted. Indeed, you are one of the luckiest women on the face of the earth! realize it!

Unknown said...

Yes, you are very blessed. Hi to the Groebers from Denver!