Friday, February 22, 2013

Lenten sacrifices

This year for Lent the three oldest people our home have given up some pretty difficult things, which will prove to be a good sacrifice to remind us of Jesus' ultimate sacrifice.  Sean declared at Sunday School that he is giving up "watching Cars" (the movie).  That's about as good as it gets for a four year old-- we were very proud of him.  I'm giving up dessert/sweets (ugh!) and Cody is giving up beer (at home....long story).  I'm declaring that sis is giving up night feedings and, well, jamesie is doing his own thing this Lent, as usual.

This morning Sean added another item to our list of Lenten sacrifices:

Erin: OK guys, remember today is a Friday in Lent, so we don't eat meat.
Sean: You mean we don't eat people.

So, we'll see how we do with this new resolution...its a tough one, Wish us luck!