Monday, February 1, 2010


Maybe its just the maternal glow of pregnancy, but here's the shocking conversation I had with the 16 year old cashier at the grocery store last night:

Him: Is your last name Lawson?
Me: No.
Him: Wow, you look just like my brother's friend.  Like, you could be her mom

About a minute into bagging my groceries he looked up and said, "I mean, you could probably be my brother's friend's sister."  That's better. 


Denise said...

how old is said sister?

Erin said...

I had the same thought. I hoped she was five years old, but got the feeling that she was also a teenager. This same check-out kid also said (about sean): "whoa, are those real glasses?" There were so many things I could have said (no, i just like to put glasses on the baby once in a while as an accessory....etc etc)-- it was so ripe for a smart aleck response that I just left it with a yes.