Friday, July 30, 2010

Happy Friday

I snuck a shot of each of the boys just now to update you on what we're up to this peaceful morning:

Jamesie peacefully taking his morning nap.  This scene is relatively new, in the last few weeks.  James had a (very) rough go of it his first few months. Finally the doctor prescribed baby Zantac, and I swear, he is a different baby than the one we brought home!  No more screaming fits, he peacefully drifts off for all of his naps, AND...he's been sleeping about 10 hours at night.  These are huge improvements around here.  Plus, now that he can eat all of his meals, he's packing on the pounds and looking chubbier every day-- i love it! 

We are sticking close to home for the next few days as I try to move James to a 4-hour schedule.  I can't believe he's almost 16 weeks old already.  I have had to wake him up from long naps for every feeding for about the last week, so I'm going to try to transition him to 4 hours, which means fewer but longer naps, and fewer meals, but I think he might be ready for it. When I did this with sean I just remember it being very haphazard and feeling like I was a little out of control...anyone out there have any good tips for me this time around?

Sean continues to be fantastic.  Here he is in "room time" this morning, peacefully playing with his block-trains.  He has room time for one hour every morning, basically instead of his morning nap.  He has grown to really like this time by himself to rest or play (and suck his thumb, which is what I think he really likes!).  Just this morning we were drawing and he said "All done drawing.  Upstairs.  Room."  OK.  We will go upstairs.  Sean's big development is the full-time use of underpants instead of a diaper during roomtime. We're still working on a few aspects of potty training, but he's got down most of it and his little mickey mouse underpants could not be cuter.  Speaking of which:

Sleeping schedules, underpants and room time-- that's about all we've got going over here.  Happy Friday!


Denise said...

cute pictures! all is peaceful and well. see you all soon!

Anonymous said...

Baby Zantac got us through the worst of the first 6 months with JL. Jamesie looks like an angel, can't wait to see him again soon. Maybe we can get Sean and JL on the phone so that they can talk to one another! Looking forward to catching up soon. Love and miss you guys, E