Friday, April 22, 2011

Little Big

We just had Jamesie's One Year appointment, which went well except for him screaming and trying to (belly) crawl all over the dirty floor (in just a diaper) the entire time.  Luckily, our pediatrician is exceedingly patient and has developed quite the skill of being able to talk technical-medical jargon to parents over two toddlers talking, yelling, crying, laughing, looking for cars, crayons and stealing stethescopes, simultaneously, in a 6' x 10' room.  God bless him.  Here's our littlest's stats:

Height: 32 inches: off the chart (same as Sean's height at 12 mo)
Weight: 21 lb 4 oz:  a measely 25th percentile.  The child eats meat, whole milk, whole milk yogurt, whole milk cheese, avocados, and butter incesantly.  Our doctor assured me that he's using what we're giving him, he's just using it to grow tall, not fat.  Oh well.  he's still so darn cute... even if his limbs aren't so much fat as they are blowing in the wind. 

Sean has been on a kick lately that Jamesie is "not little, he's big, mommy!"  Any time I say something to my "little baby," which is often, because, well, he is, I'm quickly corrected by his big brother.  "He's not a little baby.  He's a BIG baby."  Not a Big Boy, that distinction lies exclusively with Sean and others who can walk on their own, but a Big Baby.  Sean has a little friend named Dominic who was a baby when we first met him.  For months Sean called him "Baby Dominic"  Now he's about 18 months and can walk, and when Sean first saw him walk he said, "He's not baby Dominic, he's Big Boy Dominic now."  When Sean saw Uncle Gabriel walking on Skype a few months ago, he prayed later that night for "Baby Uncle, no, Big Boy Uncle Gabriel."  Yesterday we went over to Dominic's house for lunch, but stopped at the glasses store first.  The Lady at the Place said, "where are you going for lunch today, Sean?" and he said, "Big Boy Dominic's house."  She said, "oh, is that your friend?" Sean said, "Yes.  And Gabe and Greta are Seannie's friends." 

These pics are from Jamesie's birthday... When I brought him down to say goodnight to everyone he insisted on hanging upside down over the edge of the couch to look at micah. Beth and Meg had to hold onto his (long) legs and arms to keep him from falling, but everytime we sat him up he would fall backwards to do it again! He's just so long.

1 comment:

Denise said...

can't wait to see him all grown up!