Wednesday, July 27, 2011

As For Me and My House...

Sean and Jamesie have been very prayerful lately.  We all know that Sean wants to be a Pope when he grows up, (actually, the other day he told me he wanted to be "a altar-surfer, a priest, and a pope, and all of those things"), so he's been practicing his traditional Catholic prayer life:

So sweet-- Seannie and Daddy saying prayers at night. The picture over his night stand is actually a Pope Calendar.  And, well, the other decorations complete our shrine to our most beloved Catholic University.

Even very holy men sometimes have to sneak a peak at mommy. 

Practicing Lexio Divino-- meditating on holy scripture.  This is Sean's "story about Jesus" which he requests every night before bed.  His favorites are "The Cured Man," "When Jesus helps the Little Girl," and "Jesus and His Guys on the Boat." And, yes, sucking his thumb helps him meditate on the Sacred Word. 

And even very holy men need to give their Daddys some love before night night. 

Meanwhile--Jamesie's prayer life has been a bit more "Eastern" lately:

Jamesie practicing Baby Yoga.  If you say "Jamesie do a Baby Yoga?" he will assume this position and giggle.  He does it by himself several times throughout the day and it is just adorable.

Our baby-Yogi practicing sans shirt while Daddy and Seannie read poetry in the background.  Its been a very peaceful home lately. 

Not to worry, Jamesie also says "Jesus" for about 80% of his spoken words these days.  Just this afternoon Sean said to me, "Mommy, why does Jamesie sometimes call me Jesus?"  In a voice that connotated just how hard it is to be confused with Our Savior sometimes.  Jamesie also brings a small statue of Mary to his high chair tray during every meal lately.  He could choose worse lunch-guests. 

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