Sunday, July 17, 2011

Humble Parenting Pie

Sean never went through the Terrible Twos.  Now that he's 3 though, he's severely testing our limits.  In one of my poor-er moments as a parent (I was seriously at the end of my rope after being bossed around all day and I thought I might lose my mind if I heard the word N-O one more time), I said to Sean, "Sean, your backtalk is giving me gray hairs." 

About three days later, while Jamesie was having his morning nap and Sean and I were sharing some peaceful one-on-one time, Sean disappeared into the family room while I finished cleaning the kitchen from breakfast.  I could hear him whispering to himself, which he often does when he hears a new word or phrase, to practice it.  Then, calm as can be, he came back in the kitchen and declared, "Mommy, all of the words that you say to me (waving his hand around in a circle to indicate the fullness of ALLLL the words) give me gray hairs." He also showed me a "gray hair" he had taken out of his head, which was apparently invisible to the rest of the world. 

A good lesson to treat my three-year-old (and speak to him) as I would like to be treated.


Landon & Carrie said...

You make me cackle.

Carrie Mofo said...

HILARIOUS. Forget Rachel Ray, you need your own show. I'd watch.

Denise said...

I agree with Carrie!

Sean's mind is such a mysterious, wonderful thing!