Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Tiffany's Table Manners for Three-Year-Olds...

In the car today...

Sean: "Another kick....Another kick...Another kick...Mommy, what's that thing again...Another kick? 
Erin: I'm not sure what you're talking about.  You want to do another kick? 
Sean: No no no.  Like what Mama Peggy said about when you toot at the dinner table or when you don't walk across another person's tennis court.  What's that thing called? 
Erin: Etiquette!
Sean: Yeah yeah yeah... Mama Peggy says its good to say "I tooted!" when you're at the table.
Erin: I think she said its good etiquette not to tell everyone you tooted when you're at the table.
Sean:  No, its good to tell. 

Not our particular conversation today, but here we are in the middle of another deep conversation last weekend, likely dominated by the word WHY?

Yes, sean is wearing a US flag-type patch on his ND jersey...because he wanted to.  3 year olds are fun and funny and whimsical and just neat to be around.  We really like our's.

1 comment:

Denise said...

I love that he even knows what etiquette is! Sean makes me so happy...or should I say Seannie?