Thursday, October 30, 2008

What a Morning!

This morning Cody and I both had to be in Court at 9:00 a.m. Funny enough, before the same judge, but on totally unrelated matters, and my matter took much longer than expected which completely derailed Cody and his colleagues from getting in their pleas. Sorry!

With a very busy morning for both of us, we asked Valerie the Nanny to come over a few minutes early so we could get out the door and court-ready in time. About 15 minutes before we need to leave I (in my law-suit) go to change baby and I am not exaggerating when I say he had poop up to his hair. and somehow on his arms. and then his feet. He thought the whole affair was hilarious. So, recognizing that no baby-wipe in the world will fix this mess, I put a bathrobe on over my law-suit, dunked Sean in an emergency bath, dried him off and diapered him up while Cody made our eggs and sandwiches, and off to court we went!

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