Monday, March 21, 2011

I can't get enough...

More and more posts seem to be Seannie-isms lately, but every day he says something that just cracks me up.  Today:

Erin: Wow, I think you're growing out of your running they feel too tight for you?
Sean: Uh-huh, they are too little.
Erin: Hmm, we'll have to go back to the adidas store and see if they have some shoes for you.
Sean (very seriously): And then we will buy bouncy-shoes for Seannie. 

*"Bouncy-shoes" are often a "mousketool" on Mickey-Mouse Club House (ugh), and are usually used for moon-exploration or jumping 20-40 feet in the air to retrieve something stuck in a tree.  I don't know how to break it to him they aren't for sale outside the Clubhouse. 

Another favorite that gave me that awful "I'm so mad but trying not to laugh" feeling:

Jamesie is crying, all of a sudden, after peacefully playing with Sean.
Erin (incredulously): Sean, did you poke him in the face with that stick?
Sean: No.
Erin: You didn't poke him in the face?
Sean: No.
Erin: Did you poke him?
Sean (casually): Uh huh.
Erin: Where did you poke him?
Sean (matter of factly): In the teeth. 

Oh brother. 


Denise said...

but was it with the stick?

Erin said...

Yes, it was with the stick! Actually, it is a paint-stirrer from Home Depot that has become each of their favorite toy over the last few weeks. It is a teething toy, a drum stick (for drum circles), a batton, and apparently a teeth-poker. I don't think sean was doing it maliciously, but I do think it was on purpose, like, "hey, i wonder what he'll think if I poke him in the teeth with this paint stirrer."

Denise said...

Right, just investigating the world! Totally innocently!

I'm so sad for Seannie that he won't get his bouncy-shoes.

I can't get enough either!

Peggy said...

Ouch! Jamesie is going to grow up to be one tough kid.