Monday, March 21, 2011

One of those days...

The upstairs smells like toddler poop, our once-tidy family room is now a hurricane of laundry, the kitchen is an explosion of peanut butter, yogurt and bananas, I have nothing planned for dinner, and I spent two hours at my doctor's office with two bored, hungry, antsy boys this morning.  Frazzled and tired, I just spent way more time than necessary wrangling the big boy upstairs for his nap while trying to appease the little boy until I could get him into his crib.  Deep breath...Life.  Monday.  Then, on our way to naps, how could I help but smile and giggle at this:

Even on the most Monday-ish of Mondays, I have to admit i'm pretty lucky in this life. 


Denise said...

it looks like Sean gets a kick out of holding the little blue ball on Jamesie's head.

Peggy said...

I'm glad to see the little blue balls are getting used. Has Cody tried them yet on his back? They are a hit around here too on my bad back days. Sean seems to have much more fun with them, though.