Wednesday, March 17, 2010

I love being 6 months pregnant; not sick, not uncomfortable, lots of energy....

...but I am 9 months pregnant, with all the accompanying joys and miseries.  After suffering an intolerable rash for the last few days, I finally broke down and took an emergency trip to the allergist yesterday when all other remedies (benedryl cream, hydrocortisone cream, zyrtec, zantac, oatmeal bath, baking soda bath, aveeno oatmeal lotion (stolen from Brother's nursery)) seemed to have failed miserably.  By lunch time my rash had turned into full blown hives-- hot, burning, itchy-- very visible, to the point that everyone who saw me said "Ooh! did you know you have something on your neck?"  Hmm, no, what's that?  Anyway, I drove 30 minutes to see my allergist and he prescribed some steroids to bring the hives under control.  So far they are better...not great, but better.  I slept a bit more than i have been last night, and while the itching isn't totally under control, I feel like I am out of crisis mode because I at least have HOPE for relief at this point!  I am working very hard on trying to unite my suffering with Christ's during this Lent, and while most of the time I am not very succesful, it does give some purpose to my suffering that I can tune into when I am in my right mind. 

In other hopeful news, I had two church ladies tell me yesterday "you're low!, that baby looks ready!"  And who knows better than church ladies?  During the sign of the peace, Bobby Crimmins, head coach of CofC basketball (and daily communicant) looked at me, blew out his cheeks, put his arms out to mimick a huge belly and mouthed "you're still here?"  Just the same as the church ladies' sentiments, I guess. To confirm their wisdom, my doctor did say the baby is fully engaged, just waiting for my body to start the hard work of getting him out!  Since SB was a scheduled c-section, all of this is new and very exciting territory for us!  Cody and I are really looking forward to the birth experience...just (patiently?) waiting at this point! or should I say, we're just itching to have this baby.... ha.

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