Thursday, March 25, 2010

Trip to the Beach

I love living in Charleston.  This past weekend, while Detroit and South Bend were still wading through the final ugly, despairing, spring-snows, we had our first trip to the beach of the year

Thanks to Aubrey Anne, we are a fashionable family of feet outfitted in our authentic Havianas from Brazil.
Giganta-Baby. The apple in his hand was alternately in his mouth and the sand all morning.
Like Father, like son.
There are girl babies and doggies that way... lets go!
So happy at the beach!
And just for fun... 37 weeks (6 days ago).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are a stunning 9-month pregnant lady, Erin! Love you. You're in our prayers. Would love to chat some time this week.