Tuesday, April 6, 2010

39.5 Week Update...

Unfortunately, nothing new to report.  As I said in a previous post, my doctor scheduled my induction for next wednesday, April 14.  However, the risks of a VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean) are increased with induction, so I really do not want to have be medically induced.  More than just not wanting to be pregnant anymore (although, that is a strong motivator at this point), I really want to avoid another c-section, and my best chance at a succesful VBAC is to start labor on my own.  So, in the meantime we are trying all sorts of old wive's tales to start the process here at home rather than in the hospital.  I started drinking raspberry leaf tea today, and I am having reflexology to try to jump start labor on Friday.  Any other labor-inducing ideas out there? In the meantime, I think the best homeopathic remedy is prayer, so if you are reading this, please pray for us that labor will start naturally sometime in the next week.


B-Mama said...

Prayers for peace during these final days!! I am empathizing with your angst and anticipation. With #2 T I had no idea what to expect in terms of my body's timing because with #1 M, I was induced at 36 weeks due to high blood pressure. I can remember the days passing and passing... and me waiting and waiting. T finally came two days after my chart due date (not according to the predicted u/s due date, which also just about did me in!!) #3 J was also two days late. We are predicting the same around here for #4!! Blessings and prayers. You are going to do great!!

Cole said...

You've got our prayers. We're thinking of you guys.
Pedicure? Glass of Wine? Lots of walking?
Best of luck!
- Rosemeyers

Kimberly Macmurphy said...

Oh I know how it is! My first 3 were 5 days past my due date. My fourth was 3 days before and who knows with number 5. I will say that my fourth baby I did start reflexology a week before my due date and he came 4 days later. Maybe it will work. Just remember that even though are not "in labor" with contractions your body is working hard preparing- shortening of cervix, surfactant in lungs, etc. God knows his birthday already!! You will be in our prayers. If you get the chance please fwd me Bridget's info. Take care.