Sunday, April 18, 2010

Offerings of Love

Sean has been a great big brother so far--taking after his namesake, my big brother Sean.  He is alternately very interested in James and a bit aloof, pursuing his own adventures around the house.  Every morning when we get him up and after every nap he asks (with hope) if the baby is still here, and wants to go see him. 

One of my favorite things he has been doing is offering the baby his (Sean's) toys.  James hangs out in a Moses basket in the family room with us for most of the day (when he's not being held and cuddled), and I have found Sean's toys in his basket more than a few times so far.  It is quite adorable and sweet.  I documented a few instances, but not all by far:

This picture actually has three offerings-- the rings, the boogie snatcher which Sean thinks is a toy, and Sean's boat socks which he picked out specially for the baby.

Sean tried to offer the fire truck this morning, but we convinced him....

to settle for the small truck instead.
Caught in the act of leaving his blue raquetball.
Leaving Curious George is a big deal.  A true sign of affection, along with a gentle pat.


B-Mama said...

What a sweet, sweet boy! Both are and are scrumptious. Looks like you all are getting along famously! Blessings.

Denise said...

James looks so cute and mini!