Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Farmer Boy (not the Laura Ingalls Wilder book)

Last weekend we went strawberry picking at Ambrose Farms on John's Island.  An abundance of strawberry crop this year left a ton of perfect strawberries at a great price.  We went with our friends David and Amanda and baby Gabe (whom Sean used to be babysat with, and now misses greatly).  Sean got really into the role of Farmer Boy:

Plowing the land.  Very seriously.
So the plow is actually Gabe's push-tricycle, but Sean is still serious about his task.

Sean and Gabe causing trouble on the farm. Thank goodness for that seatbelt.

Sean and Gabe getting back to the business of plowing.  This time with teamwork: Together Everyone Accomplishes More.

I love Cody.  On the organic farm with one baby in a Bjorn and the other in muddy overalls.  He's so crunchy-con. 


Denise said...

did you put him in overalls on purpose? awesome.

Gabe looks like his dad.

John Weber said...

He has always been and will always be the archetypal crunchy-con.