Saturday, April 3, 2010

The Beginning of a New Era!

Yesterday, Good Friday, was my first day as a stay-at-home-mom!  For those of you who weren't aware, I am restructuring my work responsibilities so that I can work from home only a few hours a week, and be at home full time with the little boys.  This situation has been a goal of mine and Cody's since we got married, and my ability to do it has been an answer to prayers-- literally.  We prayed for a long time before making this decision, and were blessed that my boss agreed to this structure.  I am ecstatic to be home with the babies!  To celebrate, Cody made me a cake on Thursday night (I was in the mood for strawberry cake??????? so he called his mom and got a recipe and made it for me!) after having my favorite, French Toast, for dinner.  A great way to celebrate small victories. 

When I came home from work on Thursday (for the last time!), Sean was the only one here with Bridget.  The other babies had already been picked up by their moms.  I came home to find Sean weeping on Bridget's shoulder.  Not a tantrum cry, but one of the saddest cries I have ever seen-- head on shoulder, just weeping.  Bridget said when the other moms came to get the babies they all talked about this being the last day of babysitting and they all said big goodbyes because Sean wouldn't be with them anymore.  As soon as they walked out the door he started crying.  It was so sad.  Luckily, we had them all over for dinner on Friday after church so we were able to show sean that we would see the babies still. 

The last morning of babysitting for the three amigos.

Sean "reuniting" with Greta the next day.  "I'm so happy to see you! Its been sooooo long!"

Our first day home together and Sean and I were a little ambitious, doing a ton of chores and making dinnner for our friends.  I was exhausted at the end of the day and told cody not to expect the same pace from me every day as a stay at home mom.  But, after two days of it, I am loving it and so looking forward to this chapter of our lives. 

In the meantime, just waiting for baby to arrive.  No signs yet, but I had a pedicure today, so maybe that will do the trick.  keeping my fingers crossed :).


Denise said...

congratulations! I am happy for you and hope it is very blessed. Sean is looking adorable in these pictures lately with his thoughtful/confused expressions and long/messy hair :)

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad that you had your prayers answered, Erin! May your time at home be one of great joy. What a blessing to you and to your Groeber-babies. :) If you ever need a talk, from one at-home mom to another, please feel free to call me anytime!