Friday, May 6, 2011


At 12.5 months our remedially-mobile child has decided to give crawling a try.  These pics are a bit late, because it really happened all at once on Easter Sunday.  We were at a friends house for brunch, where Jamesie was army-crawling, came home for naps, and when he woke up from his nap he just got up on his knees and fully crawled!  He had tried it out a few times before, but never more than three or so steps.  But, something happened in his nap on Easter, and he because a full-time crawler! 

Jamesie usually crawls with a toy or ball in his hand.  Sean used to do that, but used the toy like a peg-leg, where Jamesie prefers to use the back of his hand.

What's the big deal?  I'm crawling.  so what?

And a few more cute pics I just couldn't resist:

Could there be anything cuter than a little boy-baby in overalls?  don't think so. 

Jamesie has also started playing on his kness and pulling up to standing, which makes him look like such a little boy instead of a baby! I'm just glad he still doesn't have too much hair so he still resembles a baby.

Sweet Cornelius Brown

Crawling has opened up a whole new world of curiousity for this child.  Areas of the house, tables, books, corners, furniture he never noticed before he is now all over, just exploring.  Its so neat to watch him want to explore more and just check things out, in his sweet, quiet way.

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