Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Getting Ready...

We're getting ready for the Big Day: Denise and Michael's wedding in just over a week!  Step One for our adorable ring bearer is to become Super-Handsome with a real haircut at a real barber shop.  Enjoy: 


And a few in between:

Seannie on his throne.  He was great through the whole process-- he just got nervous right when we first tried to get him in the chair, but a prepared Mommy thought to bring Georgio, who sat with him the whole cut, and a savvy haircutter (Ms. Debbie) promised Sean a popsicle if he was a good boy.  That sealed the deal.

Look at the concentration!  Can you believe he is only 2 and sitting still like this!?

Right across from Seannie's chair he could watch Daddio going through the same process, which helped a lot. They also promised Cody a popsicle, so he was pretty still the whole time too.

Our good boy with a shot of the spectators in the mirror.  Jamesie is gnawing on his popsicle which he won when he fell out of his stroller--face first-- onto the floor.  The sweetest thing was Sean was concentrating so hard on sitting still, but the next time I put Jamesie in the stroller he yelled out in a concerned voice: "Is Jamesie strapped in!?"  There was one other customer in the Shop this whole time who got to witness our free-for-all of babies falling, Sean crying, bribery, etc etc.  At one point Sean pointed to him and said, "Does he have a wedding too?" (Because why else would you need to get your haircut?)

Yes, he is strapped in this time.  With a nice little goose egg on the forehead.  We're so sorry.  Here's a graham cracker to follow that popsicle. 

Seannie is super-handsome?

Yes, he is!  Three men outside the Barber Shop- 2 haircuts, 2 popsicles and one bumped head later!

1 comment:

Denise said...

Seannie IS super-handsome! This is a wonderful post.