Saturday, May 7, 2011

Hot Mama!

It's a day early, but I wanted to post something while Erin is away getting a massage.  She deserves a post from her loving and doting husband every once in a while, after all.  I titled this post this way because it aptly describes Erin these days, as this picture and the others will show.

As I'm sure you know, Erin is a great lover of the babies...all babies.  As you may or may not know, the fact that she could suffer from Post Partum Depression (PPD) is probably one of her top three fears.  So far, that fear has been unrealized, thank the Lord.

This morning, we got up early with the boys for a race.  It was a nice 5-K that was aimed at raising awareness (and some funds) for a local PPD non-profit.  It seemed a fitting race for us, especially Erin, considering her fears.

Also, if you have been following our Blog, you know about Erin's travails with Exercise Induced Anaphylaxis (EIA) .  This was her first race back since our move to Charleston four years ago this month.  Since then, exercise (and specifically running) has had to take a back seat for Erin.  The EIA as well as three pregnancies have really limited her running.

That has been very tough for Erin, as many of you know.

Today was a long awaited return to exercise, and for Erin, competition.

We were the only double jogging stroller that I saw, although there were quite a few singles there.  Our boys were great the whole time.

Before we got there, Erin had been plotting strategy.  If they had a stroller division, we were going to see if we thought one of us could take it.  It turns out they did not, which meant--under Erin's strategery--that she would be running alone and leave me with the boys.  That was just fine for me, because it meant I didn't have to actually try to keep up with Erin.

So, after scoping out the female competition, and trying to guess women's ages (something I didn't dare do audibly), we lined up at the start.  Some young females next to us (early 20s I'ld guess) were talking to each other and one complained about "not wanted to get caught behind all of the strollers."  That was all I needed for motivation!

Erin needed no such push, and had her strategy all laid out.

As the race went on, I was able to at least keep Erin in my sights . . . and some of her competition.  She did a great job, although at times I was wishing I could walkie talkie her or something:  "Blue shoes coming up fast!"; "Red shorts looks like she'll fade at the end, just keep her close".  Let's just say she didn't need my help.

After the race, we had to wait a bit for the results.  Here is Erin enjoying some Starbucks; this was by far, for me, the best part of the race.

But not for Erin . . . because . . .

she one FIRST PLACE in her division (20-29), and third place over all!  And she got a medal to show off!  Those of you who know how competitive Erin can be understand how awesome that is for her.  I was pretty proud that she competed, much less won.

It was a lot of fun for all of us, and I just wanted to share with y'all this fun accomplishment. 

I am so blessed to have such a great woman as my wife and mother to my boys!  And did I mention she is hot too!

Happy Mother's Day!


vercfamily said...

Way to go, Erin!! I am so happy that you are able to get back to running--I know it has been a cross for you. xoxo Happy Mother's Day!!

Denise said...

awwww great post! you're a great husband, too, Cody! Happy Mother's Day and congrats, Erin.

Katie said...

I expected nothing less than first place from you =)

Leah Moss said...

Erin, you total rockstar!!! Congrats! And a belated happy mothers day. And Co-dy, you're, great post! We miss you guys terribly!
