Friday, May 6, 2011

New Babies!

Spring has sprung, and with it, all of our friends' springtime babies are making their appearances!  The other night our great friends David and Amanda had a little girl, a welcome addition to our current group of baby-friends which, prior to May 3, had a boy:girl ratio of 6:1.  Yesterday we met her big brother, BFF Gabe for a bookstore story-time to give him something to do as mom and dad were getting situated with Baby Girl.  On the way Sean was asking about the new baby and having babies in general:

Sean: Gabe's baby came out of Ms. Amanda's belly?
Erin: Yep, she got here yesterday.
Sean: Where is the baby?
Erin: She's at the hospital still with Ms. Amanda and David.
Sean: Why is she at the hos-i-p-ital?
Erin: Well, its hard work coming out of a mommy's belly, so babies usually have to stay there to get taken care of for a day or two before they go home.  When Mommy had Seannie and Jamesie you stayed at the hospital for a day or two.
Sean: When Seannie came out of Mommy's belly?
Erin: Yep.
Sean: Seannie was wearing his blue running shoes when he came out of Mommy's belly?
Erin: No, you weren't wearing running shoes.
Sean: Seannie was wearing clothes?
Erin: No, you weren't wearing any clothes.
Sean: Seannie was naked when he drove in the car with mommy and daddy to the hos-ip-it-al?
Erin: Yes, because you were still in my belly.

About 30 minutes later:

Sean: Gabe's baby was wearing running shoes when she came out of Ms. Amanda's belly?

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